Posts Tagged ‘sekajipo


Sekajipo Genes – Revolutionaries Only

Black and WhiteLike any large city, Miami contains many lives, its dimensions are too complicated to encapsulate in one post, one blog, one album. But Sekajipo Genes has released a new collection of hip-hop tracks as a beautiful depiction of what a life as a witness to strife and injustice can bring to our world artistically. Genes has been skating around the most impoverished parts of town since arriving here from Liberia.  He is of apt origins and now resides as positive presence from West Grove to Little Haiti. The truth is people gotta know – a line off his newest release which supports the free mp3 download of Revolution of the Mind-State available at that link. The truth in alternative media is something he and his band of fellow musician, deemed “the Jungle” on this album, are trying to bring to the forefront of people’s understanding.

There is a certain softness and security in the tracks, a universal love. The logic of each song’s intricate lyricism is well thought out, you might listen for the Caribbean beats, but the words are what will change you. Faith is on Sekajipo’s side, he’s a “man on a mission” and he’s educated enough to make his vision a reality. He understands what it is to be a role model. Revolution of the Mind State Album CoverThe album is also free of profanity and the years of frustration are subdued to the point of impassioned rationality.

The motivation for this release is a calculated and conscious one, while there is some anger it is justified throughout the 16 tracks. “Living in Amerika” featuring Monetique is the most aggressive track in which he states ‘Politicians are predators, lenders are enslaving the nation’. This track is complimented by “Hard Times” (video below) which is a more personal subjective account, where Genes speaks as a beggar on a corner and goes on to offer solutions to our society’s apparent but often ignored problems. Throughout Revolution of the Mind-State Genes weaves the theme of love, and the most resonating idea is that we must have faith in each other and in Him above.
Revolution of the Mind-State

Sekajipo and the Jungle come out of Miami as a collaboration of worldly voices. Their call for change is poignant and progressive, it is an invitation to come together under the flag of consciousness and focus our positive energy to accomplish what is truthfully necessary.

Download Sekajipo Genes and the Jungle for free here!

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